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Ecology topics

content Types of Ecological Investigations. An introduction to Ecology.  Concepts of Ecosystem.  Components and Processes of an ecosystem. Components of the Biosphere. Environmental factors affecting organisms. Habitat. Ecological niche. Tolerance range. Productivity.  Food and Feeding relationship( Food Chain). Food…

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Energy flow in ecological system

Energy flow in ecological system  Ecosystems are open systems, receiving energy and nutrients from outside their boundary. Energy in Ecosystem  The main source of energy is the sun(solar energy). The energy of the sun comes as thermal energy (heat) and radiant energy (light). Solar radiations with short-wavelength for…

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Productivity of Ecosystem It is usually expressed in units of mass per unit surface per unit time Productivity of an ecosystem is the rate of generation of organic matter in an ecosystem.  Productivity is a measurable parameter of an ecosystem. Also, important characteristics of an ecosystem. Most productive ecosyste…

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Population and its properties

The organisms living as a group in an ecosystem as referred to as "population" . population - A group of individuals of a single species inhabiting a specific area in a definite time period. Population size Population depends on population size. Population size is generally expressed as the number of indivi…

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Ecological Pyramids

Ecological Pyramid The trophic level of an ecosystem can be expressed as diagrammatically as an ecological pyramid. This ecological pyramid consists of three parts, Base Body  Apex Producers form the base . The body consists of successive trophic levels. Carnivores form the apex . An ecological pyramid These ecologic…

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Trophic levels

Trophic level The food web indicates a complex network so it's difficult to study the feeding relationship. This problem is simplified by grouping the organisms into different feeding levels based on their energy source. These feeding levels are called trophic levels of an ecosystem. All organisms or species that…

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Food and Feeding relationship(Food Web)

Food Web Food Chains interconnected with one another to form a  food web. To divers food preferences and the sharing food by some animals in an ecosystem. One species of some animal is consumed by several predators. The predators become members of the different food chains and occupy different positions in different …

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Food and Feeding relationship( Food Chain)

Food Chain The food chain is the energy stored by plants is passed along through the ecosystem in a series of steps eating. The food chain is described as Food and feeding relationship among organisms in an ecosystem. Ex - Grass   Grasshopper   Toad   Snake   The grass is eaten by Grasshopper, Then the grasshopper i…

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Tolerance range

Tolerance range describe two laws, Liebig's law of minimum. Shelford's law of tolerance. Liebig shows plants require certain kinds and quantities of nutrients for their growth. If one of these substances is to be absent the plant will die. If it is minimum quantities only, the growth of the plant will be mini…

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Ecological niche

Niche "The functional role & position of an organism in its community." ~ Joseph Grinnell(1917, 1924, 1928). To determine the niche of a species must know, Where it lives (habitat niche) Types of foods that it feeds on (feeding or trophic niche) How and when it reproduces (reproductive niche) Physical …

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Habitat - Any place where organisms live or the specific location where species can be found. "A specific location where a particular species could be found" Each habitat has certain unique characteristic features that are important for the survival of species.  Some factors used to describe a habitat, Che…

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Types of Ecological Investigations

Ecology has multiple scientific methods Monitoring Natural experiments Controlled experiments Modeling       1. Monitoring Observe and record the organisms in their natural environment.  (understand the distribution & abundance of organisms) 2. Natural experiments Find out how the organism reacts to certain chang…

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Components of the Biosphere

Components of the Biosphere The biosphere is part of the planet earth where life exists & where all ecosystems are distributed. Major components of the Biosphere, Lithosphere. Atmosphere. Hydrosphere. The biosphere extends up to a height of 10km of the atmosphere and a depth of 100m below the surface of the ocean…

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Components and Processes of ecosystem

An ecosystem is a functional unit in nature. An ecosystem is basically an energy processing system. The components have evolved together over a long time of period. There have 2 major components. Biotic component Abiotic component These biotic & abiotic components interact mainly to exchange energy & materi…

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Concepts of Ecosystem

Introduction An ecosystem is considered one of the levels of organization in the biosphere . It was basically described as plants & animals interacting with environmental factors for their survival. Concept of Ecosystem An ecosystem is a relationship that exists between organisms and their non-living surrounding…

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Environmental factors affecting organisms

Some other factors that arise human activity & influence the ecology of organisms. These are Pollutants . These are termed Anthropogenic Environment Factors. ( Negative effects for living organisms.)    Natural Environment Factors Mainly grouped into 3 categories, Edaphic factors Climatic factors Topographic facto…

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