Habitat - Any place where organisms live or the specific location where species can be found.

"A specific location where a particular species could be found"

Each habitat has certain unique characteristic features that are important for the survival of species. 

Some factors used to describe a habitat,

  • Chemical factors
  • Physical factors
  • Biological factors
Some species may occupy more than one habitat.
   Ex: Butterfly, Migratory birds & Migratory fish (move to habits which ensure their survival in a part of their life cycle)
         Owls move between habitats to obtain their food. (tawny owl Stryx oluca usually feeds on the wood mouse & bank vole)
         Same species living in different parts of the world which are separated by geographical barriers have similar habitats.

Habitats of an organism are described in terms of Macrohabitat & Microhabitat

Microhabitat A microhabitat is a small area that differs somehow from the surrounding habitat. Its unique conditions may be home to unique species that may not be found in the larger region.

Macrohabitat - Macrohabitat is a relatively large environment that has a sufficient extent. In fact, it is a more extensive habitat comprised of varied ecological niches. It provides space and other requirements to many flora and fauna.